Addition Worksheets: 20 Free Printable Resources

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of learning math?
The basic 2 + 2 = 4 is probably high on the list. That’s because, after counting, addition is the building block that leads students directly to other essential math skills -- like subtraction, multiplication, and division, for starters.
Addition worksheets are a great way to let your students practice and make sure they understand the concepts they’re learning. And since it’s such an important skill, kids need lots of practice.
We know how time-consuming it can be to create or source your own worksheets — especially with your already jam-packed schedule.
So, we made 20 free addition worksheets for you to target a variety of first and second grade math skills, ranging from simple addition to more complex problems with regrouping.
We’ll cover:
Addition worksheets for grade 1
- Addition with images
- Addition facts
- Single digit addition + word problems
- Addition to 20 on a number line
- Adding two digit numbers in a place value chart
- Adding two digits and multiples of 10
Addition worksheets for grade 2
- Addition equality expressions
- Missing number addition (0-20)
- Select the pair of numbers that does not sum to a number
- Splitting even numbers into two addends to 100.
- One-step word problems (0-100)
- Adding a multiple of 10 or 100 to a 3 digit number (with regrouping)
- Select the correct addition equation to 1000
- Addition through decomposition
20 Free addition worksheets
Check out our fun, colorful addition worksheets below!
Each one includes an answer key on the following page. Simply choose the grade level and skill that’s right for your class, then click on the picture to download and print.
Tip: students can also use a place value chart to help them work through problems with multi-digit numbers.
Addition worksheets for grade 1
Download all of our 1st grade addition worksheets here!
Addition worksheets for grade 2
5 Fun addition games for more practice
When you’re not using worksheets, give your students even more practice with some entertaining addition games!
Here are a few games to keep kids engaged in your classroom. Add them to your daily lessons and watch how much fun kids can have with adding!
1. Connect Four
Let your students compete in an addition edition of Connect Four. Kids already love playing this classic game, and now they can practice addition at the same time!

Image source: Lucky To Be In First
There are plenty of printable templates online to choose from. Or, use the game itself. Add a different number to each game chip. Then, have players roll two dice to make an addition sentence for their number.
2. Prodigy Math
Prodigy is the online game-based learning platform used by more than 100 million students, parents and teachers around the globe.
As students embark on fun, fantasy adventures, they'll also answer curriculum-aligned questions for many math-related skills, including addition!
Use the platform to reinforce your addition lessons and track student progress for differentiated feedback with Reports and Assessments. It’s a win-win for students and teachers!

Make your addition lessons more engaging!
Trade in the worksheets and join millions of teachers using Prodigy to make learning fun, differentiate instruction and help students love math — including addition practice!
See how it works3. Addition Race
Here’s a great way to promote academic learning during physical activity!

To play this game, head to the gym (or outside) and give each student a card. Half your class has addition equations and the other half has solutions.
When students hear “go,” they must race to find their match: students must pair up with each other when their equations and solutions match. The new pair runs to the designated finish line to win the race!
Tip: To make the challenge even harder, have students guess the numbers. For example, players with equations must ask the other players yes or no questions to find out what number they have.
4. Addition Crafts
For your next art lesson, choose a craft that involves math!

Ladybug addition craft. Image source: Mrs. Ricca’s Kindergarten
There are plenty of templates for math crafts online that will get your students’ left and right brains working together, like this adorable ladybug craft from Mrs. Ricca’s Kindergarten: students roll two dice to see how many dots to put on each ladybug wing, then make an addition sentence to represent them.
Kids can have tons of fun practicing important skills with crafts. Plus, you’ll get to display the finished products as a classroom decoration.
5. Stand up/Sit Down
This game is super simple to play in your classroom, but it’s certainly not boring!
To play the addition version of stand up/sit down, you’ll say an addition sentence or write one on the board. Students must stand up when your equation has a specific sum -- 10 or 20 is good to start, or go all the way to 100 for an extra challenge.
For example, if you say “three plus seven” and your number is 10, students should stand up. When the equation doesn’t add up to the designated number, students must sit down.
This game is an easy way to get students out of their seats. Eliminate players make things competitive, or keep the fun lighthearted and let everyone keep playing.
Final thoughts on addition worksheets
Addition worksheets are definitely not the only effective teaching method, but they’re a great practice tool that you can use as a straightforward homework assignment or to allow for some quiet work time during the school day.
Print any of our addition worksheets to practice the skills you want to target, then come back for more when your class has reached a new skill-level!
Looking for more worksheets? Check out our:
- Telling time worksheets
- Multiplication worksheets
- Long division worksheets
- Order of operations worksheets
Prodigy is an adaptive math platform used by over 100 million teachers, students and parents around the world. See what it can do for your classroom today!