Goals & Rewards
Big effort means big rewards
- Set challenging goals for your child with exciting prizes.
- Choose from over 40 in-game items to reward hard work.
Two games, three subjects
Up to 720 Magicoin /month+ 880 monthly bonus
Latest Mythical Epics
Track your child's progress and set goals
More pets, gear, buddies and mount
All Ultra benefits in the Prodigy English game
One game, two subjects
Up to 720 Magicoin /month
Latest Mythical Epics
Track your child's progress and set goals
More pets, gear, buddies and mount
One game, one subject
Up to 350 Magicoin /month
Track your child's progress and set goals
Prodigy’s Math and English content are free, while Science content and additional game enhancements are available with a membership. Subscriptions automatically renew, but you can cancel anytime.
Hear what parents just like you have to say about Prodigy.
"Prodigy is an engaging way to keep your child interested in learning new math skills and facts."
Amber Gouge
"My son actually begs me to let him play Prodigy."
Rainah Pray
"Prodigy is a great way to get kids who don't like math into math."
Caralena Luthi
With a Prodigy Membership your child can explore Epics in a whole new way.
Buy a MembershipProdigy Math features more than 45,000 math questions, aligned with your state or province’s curriculum standards for grades 1 to 8. Prodigy Science, available for grades 1 to 6, includes 3,000 questions covering physical science, life science, Earth and space science, and engineering.
Prodigy Science is available with a Plus or Ultra membership and is played in the Prodigy Math game. At game launch, you will have the option to select Math or Science curriculum for the session. Regardless of subject, the game picks-up where the student left off last time, so no progress is lost switching between Math or Science.
In Prodigy Math, a year is divided into four, three-month-long seasons. During each season Prodigy Members with a Plus or Ultra package will enjoy extra benefits such being awarded a Member Chest.
Mythical Epics are rare and powerful pets that players can add to their team by completing monthly quests. Prodigy Plus and Ultra members will have access to all the very latest Mythical Epics!
Prodigy's math questions are based on the curriculum your child is being taught in school. All of the content is organized by grade level and meets curriculum standards. More about Curriculum Alignment.
The difference between the Goals & Rewards available for the Core and Plus membership types is that a Core Member can only set basic goals with pre-chosen rewards. A Plus member has more control over the number of questions associated with a goal, and they are able to choose from a better selection of prizes that their child will receive in-game. More Math goal setting options are available to all Parents through our Parent App. Visit the Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store to download.
When playing the game, no personal information, or inappropriate language can be shared or seen by any other user. Prodigy Math & Science and Prodigy English have privacy and user protection features built into the game - player to player communications in game are limited to a list of pre-selected and child-friendly quotes and phrases.
Prodigy is serious about protecting the privacy of teachers, parents and students. We have partnered with an independent privacy expert (iKeepSafe) to ensure full compliance with all federal privacy legislation (like FERPA and COPPA) as well as state legislation (like SOPIPA or AB1584 in California).
If you bought a Membership through the iOS app, and you have questions or concerns regarding cancelation, our family discounts or changing the length of your Membership — please read our customer support article.
Canceling a Prodigy Membership is easy, and can be done at any time. If you wish to cancel a Membership, log into your Parent account, and go to the Memberships page. From that page you can cancel by clicking the "Cancel" button. For more information on cancelation and our refund policy, please visit our customer support portal.
Receive an additional 25% off your purchase when you buy Memberships for multiple children